May 5, 2023 Shrutika
Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is generative AI?

Generative AI (Gen AI) is a type of AI that can generate a wide range of data, including photos, videos, music, text, and 3D models. It accomplishes this by learning patterns from existing data and then applying that information to generate new and distinct outputs. Gen AI is capable of creating highly realistic and complicated content that resembles human ingenuity, making it a powerful tool in a variety of industries like gaming, entertainment, and product design. Recent advances in the field, such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and Mid journey, have considerably improved Gen AI’s capabilities. These developments have created new opportunities for employing Gen AI to solve complicated issues, create art, and even aid in scientific study.
It should be mentioned that the technology is not entirely new. Chat bots first used generative AI in the 1960s. However, generative AI could not produce convincingly authentic images, videos, or audio of real people until the invention of generative adversarial networks, or GANs, in 2014. GANs are a type of machine learning algorithm.

On the one hand, this newly discovered skill has created prospects for more robust educational content and better movie dubbing. It also raised issues with deep fakes, which are digitally fabricated photographs or films, and damaging cyber security assaults on companies, such as shady demands that convincingly imitate an employee’s superior.

Transformers and the ground-breaking language models they made possible are two further recent developments that have been crucial to the mainstreaming of generative AI and will be covered in more detail below. Researchers were able to train ever-larger models using transformers, a sort of machine learning, without needing to classify all of the data beforehand. Thus, new models could be trained on trillions of pages of text, producing more in-depth responses. A new concept known as attention was also made possible by transformers, allowing models to follow the relationships between words throughout pages, chapters, and books rather than just in individual phrases. And not just words: Transformers might examine code, proteins, chemicals, and DNA using their capacity to follow links.

How does generative AI work?

The start of generative AI begins with a prompt, which could be a word, an image, a video, a design, musical notation, or any other input that the AI system can handle. Then, in response to the request, various AI algorithms return fresh content. Essays, problem-solving techniques, and convincing fakes made from audio or visual depictions of a person can all be included as content.

Early iterations of generative AI required data submission through a complex process or via an API. The writing of applications in languages like Python required developers to get familiar with specialized tools.

Pioneers in the field of generative AI are currently creating better user interfaces that enable you to express a request in plain English. Following a first response, you can further tailor the outcomes by providing comments on the tenor, style, and other aspects you want the automatically generated content to reflect.

Applications of generative AI

Virtually any type of content can be created using generative AI in a variety of use cases. Thanks to recent developments like GPT, which can be tailored for various applications, technology is becoming more approachable for users of all kinds. The following are some use cases for generative AI:

  • Implementing chat bots for technical support and customer service.
  • Utilizing deep fakes to imitate people, even specific people.
  • Improving the dubbing of films and educational materials in several languages.
  • Writing term papers, resumes, dating profiles, and email replies.
  • A specific style of photo realistic paintings.
  • Enhancing product demonstration videos.
  • Recommending novel medicinal compounds for testing.
  • Designing tangible objects and structures.
  • Optimizing fresh chip designs.
  • Writing music in a certain tone or style.

Will Generative AI Replace Humans in the Workplace?

While some jobs will be replaced by generative AI, according to the technology’s proponents, new ones will be created because there will always be a need for a human in the loop (HiTL).

Humans are still needed to choose the best generative AI model for the task at hand, gather and prepare training data, and assess the output of the AI model.

What are Bard, Dall-E, and ChatGPT?


When it comes to developing transformative AI approaches for analyzing language, proteins, and other kinds of content, Google was another early leader. For researchers, several of these models were freely sourced. However, it never made these models publicly accessible. Google hurriedly launched Google Bard, a chatbot that interacts with the public, in response to Microsoft’s intention to integrate GPT into Bing. Following Bard’s hurried debut, Google experienced a significant decline in stock price as a result of the language model’s error, which claimed that the Webb telescope was the first to discover a planet in a different solar system.


A multi modal AI application like Dall-E is one that recognizes links between several media, including vision, text, and audio. In this instance, it links the meaning of the words to the visual components. It was created in 2021 using Open AI’s GPT implementation. In 2022, Dall-E 2, a newer model with increased functionality, was produced. Users can create graphics in a variety of styles using user prompts


An AI-powered chat bot called ChatGPT was created using Open AI’s GPT-3.5 implementation. Through a chat interface with interactive feedback, Open AI has provided a way to interact and improve text responses. The only way to access earlier iterations of GPT was through an API. Release day for GPT-4 was March 14, 2023. ChatGPT simulates a real conversation by including the history of its dialogue with a user into its output. Following the new GPT interface’s phenomenal success, Microsoft announced a sizable investment in Open AI and integrated a GPT variant into its Bing search engine.

Challenges of Generative AI

What are the generative AI’s limitations?

The various limits of generative AI are starkly illustrated by its early applications. Some of these restrictions are a direct result of the particular methods applied to implement certain use cases. For instance, it is simpler to read a summary of a complicated issue than it is to read an explanation with a variety of references to support the main ideas. The summary’s readability, however, is sacrificed for the user’s inability to verify the source of the information.

The following are some limitations to take into account when creating or using generative AI apps:

  • The source of the content isn’t always clear.
  • Identifying original sources’ bias can be difficult.
  • It is more difficult to spot false information in content that has a realistic appearance.
  • It can be challenging to comprehend how to adjust for novel circumstances.
  • Results can obscure prejudice, bias, and hatred.

What are some examples of generative AI tools?

There are tools for generative AI that can produce text, images, music, code, and voices, among other modalities. To learn more about, consider the following popular AI content generators:

Tools for text generation include Lex, GPT, Jasper, and AI-Writer.

Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and Dall-E 2 are image generating tools.

Amper, Dadabots, and MuseNet are examples of tools for creating music.

CodeStarter, Codex, GitHub Copilot, and Tabnine are examples of tools for creating code.

The voice synthesis tools Descript, Listnr, and are examples.

Companies that produce AI chip design tools include Synopsys, Cadence, Google, and NVIDIA.

The Future of Generative AI

While text and image generation using generative AI has seen a lot of recent progress, audio and video generation using AI is still a work in progress. A neural network called Jukebox, developed by OpenAI in 2020, creates music (including “rudimentary singing”) as raw audio in a range of genres and styles. Other artificial intelligence (AI) music generators have since been developed, including one called MusicLM that was made by Google. For AI-generated voices, the same holds true. For instance, VALL-E, a brand-new text-to-speech model developed by Microsoft, is rumoured to be able to imitate any person’s voice using just three seconds of audio and even their emotional tonality. However, it should be noted that a lot of this technology is not yet completely accessible.

The creation of videos using AI is still years away. Of course, there are a lot of platforms that use AI to create basic videos or modify ones that already exist. Additionally, some deep fakes are challenging to detect because they appear so real. But unlike text, still images, or even audio, this aspect of generative AI isn’t quite as sophisticated.


In conclusion, generative AI is a potent technology with the ability to completely change a number of sectors. The future of content creation and consumption may be altered by generative AI, which may generate new material based on already-existing data.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes


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