Artificial Intelligence Ethics

August 24, 2022 Shrutika
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Ethics

In the current situation, we view AI as a way to make things easier and bring comfort into our lives through automation, fraud detection, logistic optimization, recommendation systems, etc. However, it also has drawbacks including unemployment, how AI interacts with humans and vice versa, bugs and idiocy in AI, security concerns, and issues with robot rights. The law struggles to keep up with AI as we advance so quickly every day. Furthermore, defining boundaries is crucial for the sustainability of all living things. Introducing AI Ethics would give the future AI world the appropriate direction despite the fact that we are aware of how superficial AI systems are and how difficult it is to deal with them.

What is Artificial Intelligence Ethics?

Ethics primarily refers to a person’s moral conduct in performing various life tasks. Similarly, ethics in artificial intelligence refers to how robots and AI systems behave. Artificial intelligence-based software is everywhere in our daily lives, including Google’s search engine, Alexa’s various Netflix and YouTube recommendations, self-driving cars, and face recognition programs.

It raises questions about how these algorithms are making recommendations or determining credit limits for various customers. The flow of some algorithms can be easily understood. however, we are unable to explain how deep learning algorithms understand. Since our algorithms are always changing and improving, it can be challenging to determine from what parameters the results are emerging.

For example, a bank uses AI to determine who gets approved for loans. The algorithms could select any parameter, including caste, status, religion, and race. Although corporations utilizing AI systems may not be aware of prejudice, looking at data from the previous year reveals that some races and religions are not accepted for loans with the same status as other religions, which is against our moral law to treat all people equally. Although discrimination in this instance cannot be attributed to Bank since it impacts people’s morals, it needs to be regulated by law, and AI systems will need to adhere to ethical standards.


Ethics in Artificial Intelligence

Every AI algorithm and piece of technology that uses AI must be transparent and with a clear goal, purpose, and justification. These disclosures are crucial for tracking the results of the technology to make sure they adhere to human morals. Humans should be able to quickly comprehend, perceive, and recognize the design’s developed decision-making process.

Respect for human values
It is founded on the idea that any AI innovation should respect human values and promote the general development of people and communities. To ensure sensitivity to various cultural norms and beliefs, extreme caution is required.

It is crucial to foster an environment at work where there is no discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, caste, or creed. Including team members from various cultural backgrounds helps reduce prejudice and advance inclusivity.

This relates to both the security of user data and the welfare of people. It is essential to recognize hazards and seek to find solutions to reduce them. Users’ rights over their data can be protected and preserved by implementing security measures like encryption and giving them choice over how and where their data is used.

The teams using AI must accept responsibility for the choices made and the results. Decision-making procedures must be auditable, particularly when AI is handling private or sensitive data like intellectual property, identifying or biometric information, or personal health information.

Any AI work-process should prioritize protecting consumers’ privacy. The users’ permission must be obtained in order to use and store their data. The strictest security measures must be followed to prevent the disclosure of private information.

Why are AI ethics important?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology created by humans to duplicate, improve, or replace human intelligence. To provide insights, these systems frequently rely on massive amounts of diverse sorts of data. Poorly conceived programs that are based on inaccurate, insufficient, or biased data may have unforeseen, even harmful, effects. Additionally, because algorithmic systems are developing so quickly, there are times when we are unable to understand how an AI came to a particular conclusion. As a result, we are essentially relying on systems that we cannot understand to make judgments that could have an impact on society.

An AI ethical framework is crucial because it clarifies the advantages and disadvantages of AI tools and defines standards for their responsible use. It is necessary for the industry and interested parties to consider important societal concerns, eventually the question of what makes humans human, in order to develop a set of moral principles and methods for employing AI responsibly.

What are the ethical issues with AI?

When using AI technology, businesses must contend with a number of ethical issues.

  • Explainability. Teams must be able to follow an intricate web of algorithmic systems and data processing to determine why AI systems fail. Companies adopting AI should be able to explain the source data, the output data, the actions taken by their algorithms, and the rationale behind those actions. Adam Wisniewski, CTO and co-founder of AI Clearing, stated that “AI needs to have a strong degree of traceability to ensure that if problems happen, they can be traced back to the cause.”
  • Responsibility. Responsibilities for judgments made by AI systems that result in catastrophic outcomes, such as loss of wealth, harm to one’s health, or even death, are currently being sorted out by society. There needs to be a mechanism where attorneys, regulators, and citizens get together to determine who is responsible for the results of AI-based judgments. Finding the right balance in situations when an AI system may be safer than the human activity it is replacing but still produces issues is difficult, for example, when assessing the benefits of autonomous driving systems that result in fatalities but much less frequently than people do.
  • Fairness. It is crucial to make sure that there are no racial, gender, or ethnic biases in data sets that contain personally identifiable information.
  • Misuse. AI algorithms can be utilized for anything besides what they were designed for. According to Wisniewski, these possibilities should be examined throughout the design phase in order to limit risks and implement safety measures that would lessen any negative impacts.

What are the advantages of ethical AI?

Two significant trends—the rise of customer centricity and the rise in social activism—have occurred simultaneously with the tremendous acceleration of AI adoption throughout organizations, and in many cases, this trend-coincidence has contributed to its growth.

According to Sudhir Jha, senior vice president and head of the Brighterion division at MasterCard, “Businesses are rewarded not just for providing tailored products and services but also for respecting consumer values and doing well for the society in which they operate.”

AI has a significant impact on how customers engage with and view a company. A beneficial influence must be ensured through responsible use. Employees, like customers, want to feel good about the companies they work for. Responsible AI, according to Jha, may help retain employees and ensure that business operations run smoothly.

What is an AI code of ethics?

  • Policy. This entails creating rules and the necessary structure for promoting standardization. The dialogue must begin with initiatives like the Asilomar AI Principles, and there are many initiatives centered on policy development in Europe, the United States, and other places. Policies for ethical AI must also include how to handle legal problems if they arise. Companies’ own codes of conduct may include AI policies. Effectiveness, however, depends on employees abiding by the law, which may not always be possible when money or reputation is at stake.
  • Education. All stakeholders—executives, data scientists, front-line staff, and customers—need to be aware of the policies, critical factors, and potential drawbacks of immoral AI and fake data. The trade-off between AI automation and data sharing’s ease of use and the potential drawbacks of excessive sharing or harmful automation is a major source of worry. Shepherd explained that a complex equation based on a combination of rapid satisfaction, value, perception, and risk determines consumers’ desire to proactively take control of their data and pay attention to potential risks enabled by AI.
  • Technology. Executives must also design AI systems that can quickly identify fabricated information and unethical activity. This necessitates screening suppliers and partners for the improper use of AI in addition to examining a company’s own AI. Examples include using AI to conduct sophisticated hacks or using deep fake movies and text to discredit a rival. As AI technologies become more accessible, this problem will worsen. Organizations must invest in protective measures based on open, transparent, and reliable AI infrastructure to counter this possible snowball effect. Shepherd predicts that as a result, trust fabrics will become more widely used, offering a system-level method for automating privacy assurance, guaranteeing data confidence, and spotting unethical usage of AI.

Examples of AI ethical codes

An AI code of ethics can outline the values and give the inspiration for righteous behavior.

  • An ethical AI system needs to be open to all, understandable, serve a useful purpose, and handle data responsibly.
  • An inclusive AI system is objective and effective in all facets of society. To ensure there is no inherent bias in the data set, this necessitates complete knowledge of each data source utilized to train the AI models. To remove any undesirable attributes that were picked up throughout the training process, the trained model must also undergo a comprehensive assessment. Additionally, the models must be continuously watched to make sure there is no corruption in the future.
  • An explainable AI system helps the corporate governance needed to guarantee the moral use of AI. It is challenging to have faith in a system whose behaviors are not explicable. Gaining trust could necessitate making a trade-off between choosing an algorithm that can be explained and a slight reduction in model performance.
  • An AI system with a good intention attempts to do things like lessen fraud, cut waste, reward people, slow down climate change, treat disease, etc. Any technology has the potential to cause harm, thus it is crucial that we consider strategies to prevent AI from being misused. This will be a difficult job, but given the size and reach of AI, the risk of ignoring it and abusing the technology is far higher than it has ever been.
  • Data privacy rights are respected by an AI system that uses data responsibly. An AI system depends on data and more data typically leads to better models. The right to privacy and openness must not be compromised in the quest to amass ever-more data, though. To build a trustworthy AI system, responsible data collection, administration, and use are crucial. The granularity of data should be as little as feasible, and it should only be collected when necessary, not continuously. For instance, an application shouldn’t gather a user’s precise position if it merely needs zip code-level geolocation information to deliver weather forecasts. Additionally, data that is no longer needed should be systematically deleted by the system.


Technology advancements make it imperative to create some guidelines for the moral conduct of AI computers toward humans and vice versa. We have covered a number of situations where AI ethics are crucial in the aforementioned essay. We’ve talked about things like security, privacy, Fairness Transparency Safety Accountability, etc. that could be most impacted by AI. Large corporations have their own codes of ethics to address the aforementioned issues and go forward in the appropriate way.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes


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